
Choosing a good window that meets our expectations is often a very difficult decision. That is why we have prepared a knowledge base about windows for you. We have specialist knowledge in the field of joinery. We hope that our professional content, which is backed on many years of experience, will help customers make purchasing decisions.

Empol paints the world in different colors.

Colorful windows have been popular with many Polish and European customers for some time. Anthracite, white or wood-like veneers are the most fashionable, but many investors need non-standard windows in specific projects. The technology of surface refinement developed by GEALAN through the use of acrylic glass works perfectly along the entire length of the profiles. […]

Buildings inspired by tradition.

Modern construction is not only simple forms and minimalism, but also the reconstruction of old architecture to meet modern needs. Recently, we have noticed the inspiration of architects with traditional farm buildings.Slowly the barn converted into a residential building is no longer surprising. In combination with large glazing, the whole creates a great example of […]

Schüco aluminum facades – a guarantee of modernity.

We hear more and more often that aluminum is the material of the future. Schüco aluminum joinery offer a wide range of design possibilities, very high stability and, above all, durability. These features enable us to produce large-sized structures with optimal thermal insulation.Modern Schüco windows allow you to shape the design, provide a modern character […]

Steamed Up Windows – Is it Normal?

Fogging of windows in the home is a phenomenon that usually occurs in the period from autumn to spring. It is mainly related to higher air humidity and large temperature differences inside and outside the building. The evaporation of windows is not a disadvantage, it is a natural process that can be properly minimized. The […]

Empol windows from Wrocław known worldwide

Windows from Wrocław have enjoyed unchanging popularity for many years. Empol customers appreciate the high quality of our products, a very high level of service and the ability to ship windows even to the farthest end of the globe. Most of our windows go to Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. However, we are already present […]

Fabryka okien Empol

Windows of the future

Currently, the broadly understood construction industry we point on innovative solutions. Providing the highest comfort to residents through a priority approach to issues such as “energy efficiency” and “technology” is slowly becoming a necessity. Trends in the construction industry clearly set one direction: comfort, design and quality – that’s what the client is looking for. […]

Co trzeba wiedzieć przed zakupem

Obniżona klamka Standardowo klamka okienna znajduje się w połowie wysokości skrzydła. Na specjalne życzenie klienta, nasza firma może obniżyć klamkę tak, aby łatwiej można było do niej dosięgnąć osobom poruszającym się na wózkach inwalidzkich lub gdy okno jest zamontowane wysoko. Okna o specyficznych właściwościach Okna mogą posiadać dodatkowe właściwości, w zależności od potrzeb lub miejsca […]

Co trzeba wiedzieć przed montażem

Poszerzenie montowane pod drzwiami balkonowymi lub wejściowymi Poszerzenia to systemowe kształtowniki PVC umożliwiające powiększenie dolnej szerokości ramy. Posiadają dodatkową uszczelkę, dzięki czemu dołączone do ramy, tworzą szczelne połączenie. Zaleca się stosowanie poszerzeń w przypadku gdy nie ma jeszcze ostatecznej warstwy posadzki lub izolacji cieplnej. Umożliwi to wypełnienie luki między istniejącą posadzką a dolną częścią drzwi […]

New system – Aliplast IDA

Aliplast has introduced a new system to the Polish market – Aliplast IDA. This is a premium system only available from selected manufacturers. It has only operated on the Belgian market so far. This system of industrial-style interior doors and windows is based on very narrow profiles imitating steel (also PIVOT doors).








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